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Corporate Culture

COSCO SHIPPING Ports: Core Values of Corporate Culture (2023 Version)

“COSCO SHIPPING Ports’ Core Values of Corporate Culture” is crafted with the principles of “embracing excellence, fostering innovation, and leading the way.” It takes into account the developmental journey, value accumulation, and operational strategies of COSCO SHIPPING Ports, centering on the Company’s brand recognition, “The Ports for ALL,” and its vision of becoming the leading global port logistics service provider with a customer-oriented focus.


“Connecting Different Worlds”: Underscores the Company’s commitment to continuously building a globally efficient terminal network with high connectivity. As a “Connector,” the Company aims to foster collaboration between ports and shipping sectors, facilitate customer partnerships, and become a hub for international trade and ship cargo sources. This approach contributes to the integrated development of China and the world, significantly contributing to connectivity.

“Creating Value”: Developing an open, collaborative, and mutually beneficial port supply chain platform. This platform aims to generate value for stakeholders such as customers, partners, shareholders, employees, local communities, social organizations, and international institutions/governments. Ultimately, it contributes to the prosperity and development of regional and national economies.


COSCO SHIPPING Ports envisions “building a world-class integrated logistics service and supply chain service ecosystem.” The focus will be on global expansion and lean operations, aiming to emerge as the global leading port logistics service provider with a customer-oriented approach.

Customer-Centric Development Orientation: As a port logistics service provider with a shipping company background, being “customer-oriented” is our initial advantage and foundation. We deeply understand the needs and trends of shipping customers, actively respond to them, promote strong collaboration among port and shipping resources, and strive to become the preferred and most understanding port logistics service provider for shipping companies, creating substantial value for our customers.

World-Class Operational Performance: Continuously maintaining the Company’s total throughput and equity throughput scale among the world’s best. Focusing on service enhancement, cost control, and business optimization, driven by digitization and intelligence. This aims to enhance the profitability and efficiency of the asset portfolio, ensuring consistently superior operational performance compared to the market.

Leading Industry Influence: Focusing on the world's latest development trends and integrating into the new "dual cycle" development pattern, we will upgrade our global service capacity and become a global driver of international trade development; We will lead business model changes and upgrades through digital, technological, and product innovations, strengthen our global resource allocation capacity, and act as a leader in the development of the industry; and we will proactively promote green and low-carbon development by accelerating the application and innovation of low-carbon and emission-reducing technologies, constructing a green and efficient transportation model, and creating a benchmark for green and low-carbon terminals; we will establish a leading mindset in environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, and promote the integration of ESG concepts into daily operations and management, so as to become a driver of the industry's sustainable development.


Customer-Oriented: Placing customers at the core, we undertake entrusted responsibilities, leverage professional capabilities, and dedicate ourselves to providing customers with more advanced, superior, and efficient service experiences. We insightfully integrate with customer strategies, meet their needs, and offer efficient and convenient port logistics supply chain solutions. We prioritize customer experience to become the most trusted partner.

Talent-Centered: Upholding the belief that “talent is the primary resource for the enterprise,” we embrace a broad mindset to create a global hub for port talent. We build exciting pathways for outstanding talents, fostering an environment where employees and the enterprise share responsibilities, achievements, and mutual growth.

Innovation-Leading: In this era of rapid development and technological progress, we embrace innovative thinking to lead the Company’s progress, adapting to the productivity transformation brought about by technological advancements. Through technological innovation and digital transformation, we strive to position the Company as a practitioner of reform and development. Our commitment to intelligent, green, and low-carbon development drives us to become pioneers in innovative development. We empower the industry’s efficient growth through innovative service model transformations.

Open and Win-Win: Internationalization is a distinctive feature and a COSCO SHIPPING Ports growth gene. Embracing an open attitude for cooperation, we leverage the excellent resources of ports and collaborate with partners in the industry chain to promote industry development. While contributing to global trade development and regional economic prosperity, we aim for cooperative and mutually beneficial outcomes.


Companions: Every employee at COSCO SHIPPING Ports acts as a companion, contributing with sincerity and unity to construct a global terminal home and consolidate development efforts. We walk hand in hand with our counterparts within China COSCO SHIPPING, seamlessly integrating into the Group’s supply chain ecosystem for collaborative development and mutual prosperity. Our companionship extends to partners, where we harness advantageous resources for shared success.

Strivers: Fueled by our mission and vision, we maintain a heightened sense of crisis, responsibility, and urgency. Embracing innovation while upholding fundamental principles, we advance courageously, enhancing network efficiency and resilience and continuously cultivating development advantages. We are committed to pushing forward and scripting new chapters in our developmental journey.

Achievers: Rather than resting in the present, our focus extends to the long-term future. We dive deep into value creation, benchmarking against world-class enterprises. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we consistently propel the Company toward “professionalization, collaboration, and internationalization,” fostering sustained high-quality development.


Establishing a Global Presence: We have strategically built a global port network in China’s five major coastal port clusters, as well as in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, South America, Africa, and other regions. Building on this foundation, we aim to align with new development patterns and customer strategies. Our objective is to balance strategy and benefits with a focus on “multi-point development + platform construction.” This involves advancing the strategic positioning of key node ports and optimizing logistics resource distribution, facilitating the construction of the integrated “shipping + ports + related logistics” three-in-one major channel for the Group, and seamlessly integrating into the comprehensive logistics supply chain service ecosystem of the Group.

Lean Innovation Empowerment: We elevate terminal operational efficiency through lean operations and unleash the potential for port development through digital innovation. Lean operations will be approached from the cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and empowerment standpoint, aiming for systematic excellence. Digital innovation will drive the digitization of customer service, port production automation, and intelligent information management. This will establish internal capabilities for lean operations and external capabilities for efficiently serving customers, creating a world-class systematic capability for development.

Deepening Strategic Collaboration: Harnessing the pivotal role of ports as crucial nodes in the “end-to-end” logistics supply chain, we deepen strategic alignment with partners in industry and supply chains, including Corporation affiliates. This involves streamlining process connections, optimizing resource allocation, facilitating information communication, expanding collaborative areas, and deepening collaborative levels. The goal is to create an “ecosystem” of shared and mutually beneficial development for upstream and downstream industries and supply chains, constructing new advantages for development.

Safe and Steady Progress: We consistently prioritize human life safety and sustained and steady development as the cornerstone of our enterprise. We ensure safety in production, operations, image, network, and regulatory compliance through reinforced safety management encompassing all personnel, processes, and aspects. This commitment makes our company secure, healthy, and resilient development.


Practical Efficiency: This entails a grounded and hands-on approach, emphasizing tangible actions, swift and efficient execution, and cultivating a culture of hands-on implementation marked by precision and practicality. It aims to foster a culture of execution that values rigor and practicality, emphasizing task efficiency and effectiveness.

Disciplined Integrity: We rigorously adhere to local laws and conventions, ensuring the timely and effective provision of information to clients and partners. We uphold high standards in fulfilling contractual commitments and ensuring service quality. Proactively embracing the concept of legal governance, we continually refine corporate governance systems and enhance compliance management capabilities, internal controls, and risk management levels. Upholding a commitment to rules and regulations, we propel the enterprise’s steady and far-reaching development.

Collaborative Unity: Within our organization, always remember that the team's strength surpasses individual capabilities. We encourage approaching colleagues and clients humbly, engaging in mutual learning, complementing strengths and weaknesses, and actively collaborating. This fosters the formation of a highly efficient and cohesive whole within the Company.


This philosophy is a commitment to maintaining a customer-centric approach in the port's ongoing operations and customer service. We begin by thoroughly understanding customer needs and leveraging resources from our global port network, supply chain bases, and digital capabilities to craft high-quality and efficient port products. Prioritizing the customer experience, our professional competence and warm service are dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction and trust. At this crucial node in the logistics supply chain, we aim to generate value through service!


COSCO SHIPPING Ports has embraced “The Ports for ALL” as its guiding brand philosophy, seamlessly integrating it into the Company’s visual identity. This brand ethos encapsulates the Company’s commitment and approach, leveraging ports as a conduit to serve global trade while emphasizing our dedication to establishing a platform for mutual benefits and shared successes for all stakeholders involved.