Company Update
"The Best ESG Report Award - Mid-cap" and "Excellence in GRI Report"
by Alaya Consulting

COSCO SHIPPING Ports 2017 ESG Report has won "The Best ESG Report Award - Mid-cap" and "Excellence in GRI Report" with its excellent ESG reporting by Alaya Consulting in September.

Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards is a not-for-profit initiative, recognising ESG reporting leaders in Hong Kong and celebrating their best practices, in order to build trust among stakeholders.

"The Best ESG Report Award" recognizes companies that showcase the best practices within their industry on ESG reporting, with outstanding performance in all criteria.

"Excellence in GRI Report" is awarded to companies that adopt the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), not only adhere to GRI reporting principles and requirements but also display best practices in sustainability governance, materiality assessment, stakeholder engagement, targets setting, reporting performance on supply chain, etc.